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Fish Tank and others in Detroit, Michigan For Sale

Price: $200
Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.

I'm selling the salt water tank and other stuffs for cheap. You can use it for fresh water as well.
1 - Biocube 29 tank (1 year old) with working pump
1 - Carbon filter cartridge (new)
1- Tank screen top
2 - Poly Bio Marine Poly-Filter 4" x 8" (New)
1 - 24" Aqua Illumination LED Mounting Rails Only (New), no light included
1- UV sterilizer + extra bulb
1- Bunch of bio balls (new)
Please send me an email if you have questions or give me your best offer.
email: mnobody09 at yahoo

State: Michigan  City: Detroit  Category: Animals
Animals in Michigan for sale

This ad is older than 2 months.
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